Desiccant Air Dryers

Providing dry air to all industry applications.
Desiccant dryers, or absorption dryers, find utility in expelling water vapor from your compressed air arrangement. Unlike refrigerant air dryers, which lower the pressure dew point to approximately +3 ºC, absorption dryers typically achieve dew point reduction to -40 ºC, and even as extreme as -70 ºC. Consequently, to trigger water vapor condensation into liquid form, air temperature would need to descend below either -40 ºC or -70 ºC, respectively.

An additional advantage of employing desiccant-treated air pertains to its ability to impede bacterial growth within the compressed air setup, especially if the pressure dew point remains below -27 ºC. The realm of desiccant air dryers encompasses an array of dimensions and configurations. It is imperative to grasp the distinctions among the diverse available types, given that each variant carries its own set of merits and demerits.

At A&B, we specialise in shaping compressed air systems, and our expertise extends to aiding you in the optimal selection of a dryer that seamlessly integrates with your system’s needs, ensuring utmost ROI (Return on Investment).

Desiccant Air Dryers

Heatless Absorption Dryers

Providing Pressure
• dew points of -70°C, -40°C or -20°C
• Flow rates up to 34m³/min @ 7barg.
• Suitable for all industrial compressed air applications.

Heat Regeneration Absorption Dryers

• Energy efficient heat regeneration absorption dryers providing pressure dew-points • of -70C, -40C or-20C with Zero Purge
• Flow Rates up to 226m³/min @ 7 barg.
• Suitable for all industrial compressed air applications.

Hybrid Desiccant /Refrigerant Combination Dryers

• Energy efficient Hybrid Refrigerant/Desiccant Combination Dryers providing pressure dewpoints of -70C, -40C or -20C
• Flow Rates up to 110m³/min @ 7 barg.
• Suitable for all industrial compressed air applications.

Heat of Compression Absorption Dryers

• Energy efficient heat of compression absorption dryers providing pressure dewpoints of -70C, -40C or -20C with zero purge.
• Flow Rates up to 1000m³/min @ 7barg.
• Suitable for all industrial compressed air applications.

Contact one of our experts

We can provide a wide range of energy efficient air compressors to meet with your individual requirements.

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