Oil-Free Air Compressors

Class 0 – 100% Oil-Free Air under ISO8573-1
Here at A&B, we can offer a range of oil-free air compressors and products to meet your requirements. For many companies, energy efficiency is just as important as reliability when it comes to buying new equipment. A&B has partnered with two of the industry’s leading oil-free compressor manufacturers Ingersoll Rand and CompAir to enable us to select and supply the perfect package to meet your individual site requirements.

Oil-free compressed air is used throughout a wide range of applications and industries including food, pharmaceutical, chemical, glass and more.

‘Class 0’ under ISO8573-1 refers to the quality of compressed air being generated within your oil-free air compressors system.

Contact one of our experts

We can provide a wide range of energy efficient air compressors to meet with your individual requirements.

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Energy Efficiency

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