High Efficiency Filtration

Dust and Particle Removal
Coalescing filters provide a reduction of oil and water aerosols and solid particulates. Dry particulate filters provide a reduction of solid particulates only.
  • Dust and particle removal: 1 to 0.01micron.
  • Oil vapour and water Aerosols: 0.5 to 0.01mg/m³.
  • Delivering up to 99.999% filtration.
Oil Vapour Removal
Oil is naturally carried over in usually small quantities as part of the compression process when using oil lubricated screw compressors.
Oil vapour removal filters are used to remove the oil present from your compressed air system.
  • Oil vapour removal: 0.003 mg/m³.
Active Carbon Towers
Carbon towers purify pre-dried industrial compressed air by removing residual oil vapours and odours from the compressed air system.
These low maintenance units are constructed in a compact manner and designed to be free-standing. They are supplied with a pressure gauge and oil indicator to allow for quality checks to be carried out.
Process and Sterile Filtration
Filter housings made from high-quality stainless steel and used for the purification of compressed air when a sanitary design is a requirement.
Sterile filters are often used in the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and beverage industries and are designed to capture microorganisms and are rated as low as 99.9999998% at 0.2 micrometres.

High Efficiency Filtration

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