Nitrogen Generation

Significantly reduce the cost of obtaining nitrogen.
A&B offer a wide range of Nitrogen Generators to suit all industrial applications. Typically, Nitrogen is delivered in bulk liquid or high-pressure gas cylinders. Relying on outside sources to supply Nitrogen can often cause a number of problems and challenges. This can include uncontrollable price rises, tank rental prices, unreliable deliveries and long-term agreements to name a few.
Users are usually liable for hidden costs such as rental, refill and delivery, order processing charges as well as an environmental levy charge.
In-house Nitrogen Generation

Nitrogen Generators use compressed air to deliver a continuous supply of high purity Nitrogen. Using methods of separation, Nitrogen Generators produce nitrogen up to a purity of 99.99995%.

Producing Nitrogen in-house can significantly reduce the cost of obtaining Nitrogen for your company.

Nitrogen Generators typically offer a payback between 6 to 24 months. However, with A&B’s Nitrogen lease and finance packages customers can realise the benefits and savings instantly.

Customers that switch to a Nitrogen Generator could see a monthly saving of more than 50%

Nitrogen applications

A&B can design, supply and install a complete Nitrogen Generation system to suit any application.

Laser Cutting

Nitrogen being an inert gas is commonly used for laser cutting applications and usually purchased in high-pressure bottles.

Nitrogen Generation gives you the ability to produce your own nitrogen without the worry of planning deliveries and changing bottles.


Nitrogen Gas is often used within Laboratory applications to control the temperature, humidity and oxygen levels for highly sensitive equipment and procedures.

Nitrogen Generators are becoming increasingly more popular due to the cost savings available compared to purchasing gas cylinders.

Nitrogen Blanketing / Tank Padding

Blanketing or Tank padding is a process which uses an inert gas (nitrogen) to blanket a storage vessel or silo to counter the effects of oxygen on the material being stored.

Onsite generation provides you with a constant supply of nitrogen, removing the added worry of monitoring nitrogen stock levels and arranging deliveries.

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Contact one of our experts

We can provide a wide range of energy efficient air compressors to meet with your individual requirements.

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