Monitoring and Metering

Recording accurate data in real time to meet your energy saving objectives.
A&B provides an array of monitoring and metering solutions to enhance the efficiency of your compressed air systems in your operational environment. We collaborate with industry-leading manufacturers, ensuring our clients have access to the latest and most dependable technologies. When embarking on energy-saving initiatives, gathering precise information becomes pivotal to minimise reliance on ‘estimated’ data when calculating energy saving gains.

Meters and Sensors

Flow meters

Flow meters

In manufacturing plants, compressed air emerges as the most financially demanding energy type, contributing to a substantial 20% of the overall energy outlay. For effective supervision of compressed air networks, consumption measurement, leakage detection, and cost reduction, flow meters offer an ideal solution. While numerous compressor controllers do provide flow rate indications, these typically hinge on calculations. However, with the incorporation of flow meters into your system, we achieve the capacity to meticulously track consumption, empowering us to offer well-founded evaluations of usage and suggest improvements.

Dew Point Sensor

Dew Point Sensor

Measurement and monitoring of the dew point in compressed air systems are vital. Proven and reliable dew point meters ensure the required product quality in compressed air and gas systems is achieved. Air always contains water in form of vapour. As air is compressible unlike water, the compression process results in the separation of water in the form of condensate. The maximum humidity content in the air depends upon temperature and volume. It does not depend on any quantity.

Contact one of our experts

We can provide a wide range of energy efficient air compressors to meet with your individual requirements.

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Energy Efficiency

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